Hannover-Airport reporting system (LkSG)

Welcome to our reporting system!

As the operator of Hannover Airport, we provide facilities and equipment for handling passenger and cargo flights and offer the associated services. Both as an employer and as an operator of the extensive infrastructure, our focus lies on the environmentally responsible operations of the infrastructure and on fair and safe working conditions.
The new Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) defines the adherence to human rights and environmental protection requirements and requires their fulfillment also from suppliers and business partners.
We therefore offer all employees, customers and business partners the opportunity to contact us in a protected space via this whistleblower system to report events or incidents. You decide whether you wish to remain anonymous. We check every report, follow it up and get back to you as quickly as possible. Our whistleblower system guarantees the protection of whistleblowers and those affected. All information is processed fairly and promptly and treated with absolute confidentiality.
In order to be handled appropriately, it is important that the report is as specific as possible and that your descriptions are easy to follow. Please let us know: What happened? Who was involved? When did it happen? How did it happen? Where did it happen?
When you send the clue, a key will be generated, which you should copy and keep. With this key you can log in again later and follow up on your hint.

Track event report

Please enter your event report id here for an already sent event report:

Event report key:

Create new event report

Please enter your new event report here:

R2C_GRC Meldesystem